Sukanto Tanoto’s RGE-managed Woodfibre LNG opts for environmentally friendly worker housing options

Canada is currently going through a major change in their energy industry. The catalyst for this development is Woodfibre LNG Ltd., a direct subsidiary of Pacific Oil and Gas (PO&G), administered by RGE Group.

The ongoing project, under the name ‘Woodfibre LNG project’, is valued at $1.6 billion. The project, currently taking place at a facility southwest to Squamish, British Columbia, revolves around producing the cleanest liquefied natural gas (LNG).

The gas produced in these facilities will then be exported to the Asian markets. A total of about 2 million tonnes of LNG a year is expected to be produced, and the company expects their first batch of LNG to go out in the year 2023.

A major constraint for the project was ensuring they receive all the required approvals from the Squamish National Council, as all operations related to the project would be taking place in that area.
The Squamish National Council, a group consisting of Coast Salish Aboriginal descendants, approved the project on 14th October 2015, after stating a few conditions. The conditions primarily focused on preserving the environment, and Woodfibre LNG had to fulfill a total of 25 such conditions.

After being approved by the Squamish National Council, the project required an environmental assessment certificate (EAC) in order to begin operations, which was issued to them on 26th October 2015.

Following this, the Minister of Environment and Climate Change Canada issued an environmental assessment Decision Statement for the project on 18th March 2016.

A recent development in the project occurred on 29th October 2019 when Woodfibre LNG filed for an amendment in the EAC. This EAC amendment required approvals from the British Columbian environment assessment office (EAO), the Impact Assessment Agency of Canada (IAAC), and the Squamish National Council.

The motive behind the request was to carry out housing construction for workers in the form of floating worker camps. The floating house was to be situated just offshore of the project site.

This includes a total of 400-600 beds, an on-board kitchen, recreational areas, sewage collection and holding tanks, garbage collection, and a loading dock. Water and power will be provided to the facility through sustainable methods, which includes recycled water and hydro-powered electricity. An associated benefit in argument for the construction of the facility was said to be reduced traffic on the motorway and highway and hence, increased safety.

“This is a project that has always put the community first,” said President of Woodfibre LNG, David Keane. “A floatel will address concerns we’ve heard from the community over the past year about the potential impacts of using land-based camps or rental housing at a time when the Squamish market is already tight.”

The EAC has announced a 30-day public comment period before approval. PO&G, a part of Sukanto Tanoto’s RGE Group, will provide all the support their subsidiary Woodfibre LNG Ltd. requires to make this happen.

About RGE

Royal Golden Eagle (RGE) Group was founded in the year 1973 by Indonesian businessman Sukanto Tanoto. The group was built on a foundation that emphasises on sustainable practices, aiming to create increased value for the community. The group is a resourced-based managing company with operations worldwide.

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